Saturday, January 11, 2014

no eletricity? no problem, I will use the candle light.

I'm in Morocco at the moment enjoying the african sun.

The editor @ Corriere della Sera called me on thursday evening for an emergency.
Of course the illustration has to be done very fast...
..the deadline is friday afternoon.

At the beginning I was a bit stressed:
in our hotel there is not eletricity, and the connection internet is the slowest on earth.
I was working at night only with some candle lights, and
I manage my internet malfunction with some smart move. (eh eh)

this is the result!
out today on pag 39


Saturday, January 4, 2014

Corriere della Sera, out today pag 37

Once again, here is the process of creation:

The two first ideas came very natural.
and the final image was quikly printed on pag 37.

The editor gave me such a short notification for this illustration!
She called me thursday night at 7 pm
and the image was ready on friday, at 12 pm

That is why the art director of Elle Italy call me:
"the fastest illustrator in the world"

I admit, I love this work so much.
The pink palette, the allure of the girl, the relaxed atmosphere

It was is my first editorial of 2014.
