Friday, August 22, 2014


My gallery of portraits continues with the beauty and the grace of Justine Mauvin.

She's from Reunion Island: we met a couple of years ago in Hossegor at the Quiksilver House.

Justine is a very talented singer, an amazing surfer and a model:
this is for sure this a great presentation.

but ...
what I mostly remember about her is a very mellow and sweet attitude.
She even looked a bit shy in my eyes!

Than, at the end of the day, she would take a guitar and start a jam session with a surprising powerful voice...

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Patricia Manfield

I'm exercizing like crazy on my "Portrait Project":
I'm drawing a lot of friends, cool people, celeb, surfers, strangers...

Patricia Manfield? She's just so simple and intense.
I really enjoyed to paint her face, there is something "ancient" in her gestures.
I find a special "allure" in this girl that brings me back to the history of art.
She reminds me Raffaello, for example.

Lately, I've been very inspired by the fifties, also. Maybe Patricia does too?
At that time the elegance of lines, the lenght of the skirts and proportions were always perfect.
Very interesting for my fashion drawing studies.
And I tell to myself: keep it simple!

This is my tribute to elegance and beauty.
there is Match more to come! xxx

Saturday, August 16, 2014

every time I think of you, I see palm trees

I dedicate this post to mega babe Lex Weinstein.

7 reasons why I love her:

1) she lives in the other side of the world, in Byron Bay, Australia.
This sounds very exotic for me, it's very inspiring for my vision.

(I'm inventing new stories with my drawings and I wanna thank God for this amazing gift he gave me)

2) Lex is a very good stylist and a blogger without being obsessed by clothes.
She's not cheesy like a lot of fashion blogger do.
Her look is always very natural, indeed.

3) She is a surfer and actually, she is ripping. (BTW)
But Lex is very far from the classic surfer girl stereotype:
"I'm blonde,  I 'm a beach bum, I'm so f*** sexy"
no!  This is totally another story.
She's a real adventuress!

4) She is very feminine. 
A gorgeous lady knows how to treat her body, right?
I love her self awareness.
Her gestures are always so spontaneous !
She is a goddess and she's not perfect at the same time.
Very human, I'd say.

5) She's vegan. (Thumbs up!)

6) I admire her spiritualistic approach toward life. 
The intense way she plays with the elements...I believe she's a dreamer like me. 

7) Lex is also a very smart business lady and she knows how to use tools from technology. 
Wich is very difficult these days.


follow Lex !